Our History

In October of 1996, volunteers of MVAP went to see the last display of the entire AIDS Memorial Quilt, aka the Names Project, which covered the entire National Mall in Washington, D.C. It is estimated that 1.2 million people came to view it. All of the images seen on this page were taken by our staff and volunteers while visiting the Quilt in 1996.

We Were There
Merrimack Valley Assistance Program (MVAP) began as a group of volunteers, working amidst the HIV/AIDS Epidemic in 1995, under the name of Merrimack Valley AIDS Project.

In 1998, Merrimack Valley AIDS Project secured its very first Housing Opportunities for Persons With AIDS (HOPWA) federal grant.

In 1999, the Merrimack Valley AIDS Project and the Greater Manchester AIDS Project (GMAP) merged together to form one organization; Merrimack Valley Assistance Program.
And we’ve been here ever since.
Our History

We Were There
Merrimack Valley Assistance Program (MVAP) began as a group of volunteers, working amidst the HIV/AIDS Epidemic in 1995, under the name of Merrimack Valley AIDS Project.

In October of 1996, volunteers of MVAP went to see the last display of the entire AIDS Memorial Quilt, aka the Names Project, which covered the entire National Mall in Washington, D.C. It is estimated that 1.2 million people came to view it. All of the images seen on this page were taken by our staff and volunteers while visiting the Quilt in 1996.

In 1998, Merrimack Valley AIDS Project secured its very first Housing Opportunities for Persons With AIDS (HOPWA) federal grant.

In 1999, the Merrimack Valley AIDS Project and the Greater Manchester AIDS Project (GMAP) merged together to form one organization; Merrimack Valley Assistance Program.
And we’ve been here ever since.